Kennametal India Ltd.
AGMNov. 10, 2021, noon
Sr noTypeResolutionIiAS View
1OrdinaryAdoption of standalone and consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021
2OrdinaryReappoint Ms. Colleen Wood Cordova (DIN: 07568701) as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director, liable to retire by rotation
3OrdinaryConfirm interim dividend of Rs. 20 per equity share of face value Rs. 10 each
4OrdinaryAppoint Franklin Gerardo Cardenas Castro (DIN: 09050884) as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director, liable to retire by rotation
5OrdinaryRatify remuneration of Rs. 200,000 to K. S. Kamalakara & Co. as cost auditors for FY22
6OrdinaryApprove related party transactions with Kennametal Inc., USA for FY22 up to Rs. 2.78 bn
7OrdinaryApprove related party transactions with Kennametal Europe GmbH for FY22 up to Rs. 3.41 bn
8OrdinaryApprove payment of commission to Independent Directors up to 1% of net profit for five years from FY21
9SpecialApprove commission to B. Anjani Kumar (DIN: 00022417), Chairperson, in excess of 50% of total commission payable to all non-executive directors for FY21

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₹ 8,474
₹ 1,526

₹ 10,000